Cinematic wedding videography
Over the past decade, we have captured more than a hundred love stories. This is just a small sampling of some of our favorite, most cinematic wedding videography.
Selected Films
A small selection of the love stories that we have been honored to turn into cinematic wedding videography.
Cinematic Wedding
Videography Packages
The Aspen
Great for large-scale weddings. Includes two full days of comprehensive coverage.
6-10 hours of coverage over 2 days
30 min. feature film included$7000
The Pine
Our most popular package, The Pine is perfect for nearly all weddings - both traditional and non.
6-10 hours of coverage
3-6 min. highlight film included$4500
The Peak
Ideal for small, intimate elopements, The Peak is for short, half-day wedding event videography.
4 hours of coverage
3-6 min. highlight film included$3200
Let’s capture the moments you’ll want to revist again & again
We love partnering with like-minded couples who cherish adventure as much as we do. We can’t wait to work with you.